Grief Journey Bereavement Groups

Grief Journey Bereavement Groups

In conjunction with our good friend, Dr Bill Webster, The White Lily Centre is pleased to offer Grief Journey bereavement support groups. Each group of 6-8 people is gently guided through a 12-week programme aimed at discovering how we, as individuals, may experience our own journey through grief and loss. As a group we work to make sense of our feelings and support each other as we learn ways in which we can begin to manage them. Our Grief Journey groups are open to adults of any age, all are welcome. In our friendly, non-judgmental meetings you will find tea and cake, tears and tissues alongside laughter and love.

There is no charge to attend our Grief Journey groups but we do ask that you try to attend all 12 of the weekly meetings in the programme if at all possible, as this will bring you and the rest of the group maximum benefit.

To find out more about our Grief Journey programme and to help you decide if it is right for you please feel free to give Margaret a call on 023 8044 0961.

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